Bar Bending Schedule Advanced Spreadsheets for your Construction Project
Are you looking for a complete set of 100+ Bar Bending Schedule Advanced Spreadsheets for your construction project?
This is an essential tool for everyone who is involved in detailing reinforcement in accordance. Whether you are a designer, detailer, contractor, or a manufacturer/supplier this spreadsheet will help you save a lot of time when preparing bar lists and when sorting, optimizing, tagging, etc rebar.
In this package, you will get the following spreadsheets (BBS+Cutting Lenght)
Bar Bending Schedule Slab Beams
Bar Bending Schedule Columns
Bar Bending schedule Plinth Beams
Bar Bending Schedule BBS
Bar Bending Schedule Box Culvert Excel Sheet
Bar Bending Schedule calculation for Column
Bar Bending Schedule for All Types of Beam
Bar Bending Schedule for Column
Bar Bending Schedule for Pile Foundation Excel Sheet
Bar Bending Schedule for Slab
Bar Bending Schedule Format (BBS)
Bar Bending Schedule of Slab
Bar Bending Schedule Sample Excel Sheet
Bar Bending Schedule Stirrups and Ties
Bending Schedule Staircase Spreadsheet
Bar Bending Schedule for Lintel Beam
Bar Bending Schedule for Slab
BBS for Box Culvert
BBS for Lintel Beam
BBS for rectangular footing
Beam BBS (All types)
Column BBS (G+3)
BBS for Combined Footing
Deck Slab BBS
Minor Bridge SKEW BBS (Cast-in-situ)
Octagonal Pile Cap BBS
Pier BBS Raft and Shaft
Retaining Wall BBS
Single Floor Column BBS
Two Way Slab BBS
Circular bottom slab BBS
Circular Top Slab BBS
Box culvert (Quantity)
Isolated Footing
Two-Legged Stirrups Cutting Length
Four-Legged Stirrups Cutting Length
Six-legged stirrups Cutting Length
Chair Bar Cutting Length
Haunch Bar
Girder BBS
Pier Foundation (All types)
Pile Cap
Raft Footing
Macro enabled BBS Format
BBS Common Shape Codes
BBS Program – Lite version
BBS Format -Feet System
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