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Design of One Way Slab 


Design of One Way Slab

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Design of One way (Simply Supported) Slab

Design of One Way Slab is a type of concrete slab in which loads are transferred in one direction to the supporting beams and columns. Therefore, the bending occurs in only one direction. The design of one-way slab is simple and can be carried out easily.

  • PDF on manual Design of One way ( simply supported) slab
  • Excel sheet on Design of one way ( simply supported) slab
  • As per IS 456 2000

The ACI 318-19 provides a number of requirements regarding slab thickness, concrete cover, and reinforcement ratio which facilitate the design process. For instance, the ACI 318-19 specifies minimum slab thickness that satisfies deflection.

The designer can select smaller slab thickness but they need to check deflection of the slab to make sure that it does not exceed maximum allowable deflection. The procedure of designing a one-way slab is similar to that of a rectangular beam.

Slabs are used to provide flat, useful surfaces. A reinforced concrete slab is a broad, flat plate, usually horizontal, with top and bottom surfaces parallel or nearly so. Slabs may be supported by reinforced concrete beams, masonry or reinforced concrete walls, structural steel members, columns, and continuously by the ground.

How to Differentiate One-way Slab from Two-way Slab?

When a rectangular slab is supported on all four sides, but the ratio of the longer side, L, to the shorter side, S, is 2 or more, L/S ≥ 2.0, then, the slab will act as a one-way slab, with bending primarily occurring in the short direction. The main reinforcement is placed in the shorter direction which is the span, while shrinkage reinforcement is provided in the longer direction to limit cracking.

When the slab is supported on only two sides, the load will be transferred to these sides regardless of its ratio of longer span to shorter span, and it will be classified as a one-way slab.

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