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Microsoft Project 2013


Microsoft Project 2013

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Microsoft Project 2013 is a program that helps you effectively plan and manage a variety of projects and programs. From the deadline of an important meeting to the appropriate budget for project resources.

Microsoft Project Professional  makes your experience easy and provides tools to help you work more efficiently.

Introducing Microsoft Project 2013

Microsoft Project 2013 is a popular project management software with an updated interface and improved and upgraded features to increase work efficiency. The software is designed to support project managers in developing plans, assigning human resources to projects, tracking progress, managing budgets and analyzing workloads.

Microsoft Project 2013 is a modern software product from MS that allows you to manage any conventional projects, easily create plans and tasks, distribute work resources, track the implementation of all stages of the project. Create a critical path schedule, visualize progress in the Grant diagram, analyze the resources used together with Microsoft!

Basic features:

Microsoft Project Professional 2013 allows you to effectively use resources, plan projects, and track task progress. Ready-made templates, real-time task status changes, scheduling, invoicing, reporting – all this and many other features are available in this program. Keep well organized and track projects in a single project management system designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft programs and cloud services. Project Professional 2013 can be used as a standalone product or connected to a server. Project Professional 2013 includes a Client Access License (CAL) for Project Server.

Main functions of Microsoft Project 2013

  • Create detailed plans for projects. Working with detailed information and data helps you control projects more easily.
  • Manage work, costs, and resources at each level.
  • View project information and data in many ways such as: grouping, highlighting, sorting and filtering the information you want.
  • Monitor and manage plans during project implementation.
  • Share data with team members for best results.

System requirements:

  • Processor: 700 MHz or higher.
  • Ram: 512 MB or higher.
  • 1.5 GB free hard disk space.
  • Screen resolution: 1024×768 or higher.

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